Words have power – what you say, how you say it, makes a difference. Words can heal or hurt, they can inspire or discourage. Using the right words is an art. Think of words that have motivated you, things people have said that have spurred you to action or brought goosebumps to your arms. Speak to people with positive words, embellish, be creative, create pictures that the people you talk to can hold onto. Use positive phrases when you speak to yourself – the power of affirmations has proven to be effective for a lot of people. Change negative statements to positive both in your self-talk and how you communicate with others. The power of words is undeniable, it cannot be quantified. Imagine a life without words – impossible isn’t it? Make it a game, turn your negatives into positives by realigning your language. You can use the power of words to enhance your life and the lives of others. I have included a list of positive words here – there are hundreds of others, but this is a start. Try to use positive words in your speech each day. Use them when speaking to others and when speaking to yourself. It will make a difference in your life. This short video might inspire you.
Positive Words – A List of Positive Words for Affirmations and Daily Conversation
Abundant | Accomplished | Achieving | Active |
Admirable | Admired | Adorable | Adventurous |
Affluent | Agreeable | Alert | Aligned |
Alive | Amazing | Appealing | Appreciate |
Artistic | Astounding | Astute | Attentive |
Attractive | Auspicious | Authentic | Awake |
Aware | Beaming | Beautiful | Best |
Blessed | Bliss | Bold | Bright |
Brilliant | Brisk | Buoyant | Calm |
Capable | Centered | Certain | Charming |
Cheerful | Clear | Clever | Competent |
Complete | Confident | Connected | Conscious |
Considerate | Convenient | Courageous | Creative |
Daring | Dazzling | Delicious | Delightful |
Desirable | Determined | Diligent | Discerning |
Discover | Dynamic | Eager | Easy |
Efficient | Effortless | Elegant | Eloquent |
Endless | Energetic | Engaging | Enhancing |
Enormous | Enterprising | Enthusiastic | Enticing |
Excellent | Exceptional | Exciting | Experienced |
Exquisite | Fabulous | Fair | Far-Sighted |
Fascinating | Fine | Flattering | Flourishing |
Fortunate | Free | Friendly | Fulfilled |
Fun | Generous | Genuine | Gifted |
Glorious | Glowing | Good | Good-Looking |
Gorgeous | Graceful | Gracious | Grand |
Great | Handsome | Happy | Hardy |
Harmonious | Healed | Healthy | Helpful |
Honest | Humorous | Ideal | Imaginative |
Impressive | Industrious | Ingenious | Innovative |
Inspired | Intelligent | Interested | Interesting |
Intuitive | Inventive | Invincible | Inviting |
Irresistible | Joyous | Judicious | Keen |
Kind | Knowing | Limitless | Lively |
Loving | Lucky | Luminous | Magical |
Magnificent | Marvellous | Masterful | Mighty |
Miraculous | Motivated | Natural | Neat |
Nice | Noble | Nurturing | Optimistic |
Outstanding | Passionate | Peaceful | Perfect |
Persevering | Persistent | Playful | Pleasing |
Plentiful | Positive | Powerful | Precious |
Prepared | Productive | Profound | Prompt |
Prosperous | Proud | Qualified | Quick |
Radiant | Reasonable | Refined | Refreshing |
Relaxing | Reliable | Remarkable | Resolute |
Resourceful | Respected | Rewarding | Robust |
Safe | Satisfied | Secure | Seductive |
Self-Reliant | Sensational | Sensible | Sensitive |
Serene | Sharing | Skilful | Smart |
Smashing | Smooth | Sparkling | Spiritual |
Splendid | Strong | Stunning | Successful |
Superb | Swift | Talented | Tenacious |
Terrific | Thankful | Thrilling | Thriving |
Timely | Trusting | Truthful | Ultimate |
Unique | Valiant | Valuable | Versatile |
Vibrant | Victorious | Vigorous | Vivacious |
Vivid | Warm | Wealthy | Well |
Whole | Wise | Wonderful | Worthy |
Young | Youthful | Zeal | Zest |