Songs can touch your heart in many ways. They can make you happy or sad. They can energize you or calm you. We all have special love songs that we share with those we love today and those we have loved. Music talks to us, the lyrics and melody can express for us feelings that perhaps we cannot express as well ourselves. Listening to music can improve moods and verbal IQ, treat heart disease and stress, stimulate activity, thoughts and emotions, and aid in communication. Music can evoke feelings of love, spirituality, happiness, sadness, tenderness, and joy. It can provide solace in times of sorrow and company in times of solitude. Sometimes it can even be orgasmic.
- Born to Dance – Music affects even infants as they move to the beat of the music and dancing releases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in your body as well as providing a valid form of exercise.
- Improve your Brain – Studies have shown that certain music stimulates the brain, for example, listening to Mozart and other classical composers improved the test averages of students taking college entrance exams. Musical training also enhances verbal skills and visual abilities.
- Be more Colourful – Music evokes colours in our minds – embrace the colour of music
- Feel the Music – Certain music has strong experiential effects on people that are emotionally open to new experiences, to the extent that it can actually make us laugh, cry, feel chills, breath more deeply or move in different ways.
- Sing out Loud – Singing is good for you, whether you do it in the shower or on a stage, whether you are tone-deaf or pitch-perfect. It is a valid release for emotions both negative and positive and can increase cognitive memory skills. Singing with others increases interaction, satisfaction, and happiness in relationships bringing people closer together.
- Don’t Worry Be Happy – Upbeat music makes us happier, participating in the music, knowing the words, dancing, singing along, immersing ourselves in it, can give us the power to be happier.
- Don’t Stress Out – Listening to music can reduce stress and anxiety and lower blood pressure!
- Sing the Blues – Sad music helps us deal with negative and positive emotions, it provides a mechanism for emotional release that provides some cognitive distance as well as helping resolve issues that we may not otherwise be able to voice.
- If You Just Smile – Facial expressions change when people are listening to music, your face projects the mood of the music you are listening to as do the faces of others. It can lift peoples’ moods and increase empathy and social awareness
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